Hi, Pedro here!
I’m Mafalda Sousa’s partner and I am having the greatest honor of writing the first words on this page.
It was just about time for Mafalda to have her own space online where she could share her view of the world, trip by trip, step by step. This is mainly important because of all the noise that populates social media nowadays that makes it hard to share and find relevant content.
If you know Mafalda already, I’m sure you’ll agree with me, specially because it is very likely you’ve asked her for help or advise regarding travel. If you don’t know Mafalda yet, welcome! She’s an amazing person and there’s a lot we all can learn from her.
My hope for magrifas.world is that it turns itself into something more than just a space to deposit pictures and hints, and evolves into a tool that helps everyone with the same passion to collaborate and discover the next greatest place and the best way of doing it. This page also mirrors the spirit of Mafalda’s travels: getting the best experiences at the lowest costs. That’s why it is being hosted on a Raspberry Pi server connected to our domestic broadband. Can’t wait to see this place overgrow it though, that would mean that this space has grown and that is being useful for a wider range of people outside our close circle.
Before I hand over the keys to this place to Mafalda, please allow me to introduce three members of the family, who were also invited to write a few words and introduce Mafalda to the world.
Please stay tuned for Joana, Ana and Filipe’s contributions!
See you,
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